34A-2-418. Awards -- Medical, nursing, hospital, and burial expenses -- Artificialmeans and appliances. (1) In addition to the compensation provided in this chapter or Chapter 3, UtahOccupational Disease Act, the employer or the insurance carrier shall pay reasonable sums formedical, nurse, and hospital services, for medicines, and for artificial means, appliances, andprostheses necessary to treat the injured employee.
(2) If death results from the injury, the employer or the insurance carrier shall pay theburial expenses in ordinary cases as established by rule.
(3) If a compensable accident results in the breaking of or loss of an employee's artificialmeans or appliance including eyeglasses, the employer or insurance carrier shall provide areplacement of the artificial means or appliance.
(4) An administrative law judge may require the employer or insurance carrier to maintainthe artificial means or appliances or provide the employee with a replacement of any artificialmeans or appliance for the reason of breakage, wear and tear, deterioration, or obsolescence.
(5) An administrative law judge may, in unusual cases, order, as the administrative lawjudge considers just and proper, the payment of additional sums:
(a) for burial expenses; or
(b) to provide for artificial means or appliances.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 375, 1997 General Session