34A-2-420. Continuing jurisdiction of commission -- No authority to changestatutes of limitation -- Authority to destroy records -- Interest on award -- Authority toapprove final settlement claims. (1) (a) The powers and jurisdiction of the commission over each case shall be continuing.
(b) After notice and hearing, the Division of Adjudication, commissioner, or AppealsBoard in accordance with Part 8, Adjudication, may from time to time modify or change a formerfinding or order of the commission.
(c) This section may not be interpreted as modifying in any respect the statutes oflimitations contained in other sections of this chapter or Chapter 3, Utah Occupational DiseaseAct.
(d) The commission may not in any respect change the statutes of limitation referred to inSubsection (1)(c).
(2) Records pertaining to cases that have been closed and inactive for 10 years, otherthan cases of total permanent disability or cases in which a claim has been filed as in Section
34A-2-417, may be destroyed at the discretion of the commission.
(3) Awards made by a final order of the commission shall include interest at the rate of8% per annum from the date when each benefit payment would have otherwise become due andpayable.
(4) Notwithstanding Subsection (1) and Section
34A-2-108, an administrative law judgeshall review and may approve the agreement of the parties to enter into a full and final:
(a) compromise settlement of disputed medical, disability, or death benefit entitlementsunder this chapter or Chapter 3, Utah Occupational Disease Act; or
(b) commutation and settlement of reasonable future medical, disability, or death benefitentitlements under this chapter or Chapter 3 by means of a lump sum payment, structuredsettlement, or other appropriate payout.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 375, 1997 General Session