34A-2-802. Rules of evidence and procedure before commission -- Admissibleevidence. (1) The commission, the commissioner, an administrative law judge, or the AppealsBoard, is not bound by the usual common law or statutory rules of evidence, or by any technicalor formal rules or procedure, other than as provided in this section or as adopted by thecommission pursuant to this chapter and Chapter 3, Utah Occupational Disease Act. Thecommission may make its investigation in such manner as in its judgment is best calculated toascertain the substantial rights of the parties and to carry out justly the spirit of the chapter.
(2) The commission may receive as evidence and use as proof of any fact in dispute allevidence deemed material and relevant including, but not limited to the following:
(a) depositions and sworn testimony presented in open hearings;
(b) reports of attending or examining physicians, or of pathologists;
(c) reports of investigators appointed by the commission;
(d) reports of employers, including copies of time sheets, book accounts, or otherrecords; or
(e) hospital records in the case of an injured or diseased employee.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 375, 1997 General Session