34A-2-901. Workers' compensation presumption for emergency medical servicesproviders. (1) An emergency medical services provider who claims to have contracted a disease, asdefined by Section
78B-8-401, as a result of a significant exposure in the performance of hisduties as an emergency medical services provider, is presumed to have contracted the disease byaccident during the course of his duties as an emergency medical services provider if:
(a) his employment or service as an emergency medical services provider in this statecommenced prior to July 1, 1988, and he tests positive for a disease during the tenure of hisemployment or service, or within three months after termination of his employment or service; or
(b) the individual's employment or service as an emergency medical services provider inthis state commenced on or after July 1, 1988, and he tests negative for any disease at the timehis employment or service commenced, and again three months later, and he subsequently testspositive during the tenure of his employment or service, or within three months after terminationof his employment or service.
(2) Each emergency medical services agency shall inform the emergency medicalservices providers that it employs or utilizes of the provisions and benefits of this section atcommencement of and termination of employment or service.
Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session