34A-3-110. Occupational disease aggravated by other diseases. The compensation payable under this chapter shall be reduced and limited to theproportion of the compensation that would be payable if the occupational disease were the solecause of disability or death, as the occupational disease as a causative factor bears to all thecauses of the disability or death when the occupational disease, or any part of the disease:
(1) is causally related to employment with a non-Utah employer not subject tocommission jurisdiction;
(2) is of a character to which the employee may have had substantial exposure outside ofemployment or to which the general public is commonly exposed;
(3) is aggravated by any other disease or infirmity not itself compensable; or
(4) when disability or death from any other cause not itself compensable is aggravated,prolonged, accelerated, or in any way contributed to by an occupational disease.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 375, 1997 General Session