34A-4-102. Application for benefits. To be entitled to the free hospital and medical service provided for in Section
34A-4-101,a disabled miner applying for benefits shall be required to establish under oath the following facts,which shall be conditions precedent to the granting of the free service provided for in this chapter:
(1) that he is and has been a resident of this state for a period of two years immediatelypreceding the filing of his application;
(2) that he has been employed in the mines of this state for a period of at least five yearsand that the disability from which he is suffering and for which he is in need of hospital andmedical treatment is due to such employment;
(3) that he is physically incapable of entering remunerative employment and holding ajob;
(4) that his disability is such that hospital and medical attention is necessary; and
(5) that he is financially unable to secure and pay for hospital and medical service.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 375, 1997 General Session