34A-6-103. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Administrator" means the director of the Division of Occupational Safety andHealth.
(2) "Amendment" means such modification or change in a code, standard, rule, or orderintended for universal or general application.
(3) "Commission" means the Labor Commission.
(4) "Council" means the Utah Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Council.
(5) "Division" means the Division of Occupational Safety and Health.
(6) "Employee" includes any person suffered or permitted to work by an employer.
(7) "Employer" means:
(a) the state;
(b) each county, city, town, and school district in the state; and
(c) every person, firm, and private corporation, including public utilities, having one ormore workers or operatives regularly employed in the same business, or in or about the sameestablishment, under any contract of hire.
(8) "Hearing" means a proceeding conducted by the commission.
(9) "Imminent danger" means a danger exists which reasonably could be expected tocause an occupational disease, death, or serious physical harm immediately, or before the dangercould be eliminated through enforcement procedures under this chapter.
(10) "National consensus standard" means any occupational safety and health standard ormodification:
(a) adopted by a nationally recognized standards-producing organization underprocedures where it can be determined by the administrator and division that persons interestedand affected by the standard have reached substantial agreement on its adoption;
(b) formulated in a manner which affords an opportunity for diverse views to beconsidered; and
(c) designated as such a standard by the Secretary of the United States Department ofLabor.
(11) "Person" means the general public, one or more individuals, partnerships,associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, receivers, and the state and its politicalsubdivisions.
(12) "Publish" means publication in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, UtahAdministrative Rulemaking Act.
(13) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the United States Department of Labor.
(14) "Standard" means an occupational health and safety standard or group of standardswhich requires conditions, or the adoption or use of one or more practices, means, methods,operations, or processes, reasonably necessary to provide safety and healthful employment andplaces of employment.
(15) "Variance" means a special, limited modification or change in the code or standardapplicable to the particular establishment of the employer or person petitioning for themodification or change.
(16) "Workplace" means any place of employment.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session