facilities cannot be completed by the effective date;
(C) establishes that the employer is taking all available steps to safeguard the employer'semployees against hazards; and
(D) establishes that the employer has an effective program for compliance as quickly aspracticable.
(ii) Any temporary order shall prescribe the practices, means, methods, operations, andprocesses which the employer must adopt and use while the order is in effect and state in detailthe employer's program for compliance with the standard. A temporary order may be grantedonly after notice to employees and an opportunity for a public hearing; provided, that theadministrator may issue one interim order effective until a decision is made after public hearing.
(iii) A temporary order may not be in effect longer than the period reasonably required bythe employer to achieve compliance. In no case shall the period of a temporary order exceed oneyear.
(iv) An application for a temporary order under Subsection (2)(d) shall contain:
(A) a specification of the standard or part from which the employer seeks a variance;
(B) a representation by the employer, supported by representations from qualifiedpersons having first-hand knowledge of the facts represented, that the employer is unable tocomply with the standard or some part of the standard;
(C) a detailed statement of the reasons the employer is unable to comply;
(D) a statement of the measures taken and anticipated with specific dates, to protectemployees against the hazard;
(E) a statement of when the employer expects to comply with the standard and whatmeasures the employer has taken and those anticipated, giving specific dates for compliance; and
(F) a certification that the employer has informed the employer's employees of theapplication by:
(I) giving a copy to their authorized representative;
(II) posting a statement giving a summary of the application and specifying where a copymay be examined at the place or places where notices to employees are normally posted; and
(III) by other appropriate means.
(v) The certification required under Subsection (2)(d)(iv) shall contain a description ofhow employees have been informed.
(vi) The information to employees required under Subsection (2)(d)(v) shall inform theemployees of their right to petition the division for a hearing.
(vii) The administrator is authorized to grant a variance from any standard or some partof the standard when the administrator determines that it is necessary to permit an employer toparticipate in a research and development project approved by the administrator to demonstrateor validate new and improved techniques to safeguard the health or safety of workers.
(e) (i) Any standard issued under this subsection shall prescribe the use of labels or otherforms of warning necessary to ensure that employees are apprised of all hazards, relevantsymptoms and emergency treatment, and proper conditions and precautions of safe use orexposure. When appropriate, a standard shall prescribe suitable protective equipment and controlor technological procedures for use in connection with such hazards and provide for monitoringor measuring employee exposure at such locations and intervals, and in a manner necessary forthe protection of employees. In addition, any such standard shall prescribe the type andfrequency of medical examinations or other tests which shall be made available by the employer,
or at the employer's cost, to employees exposed to hazards in order to most effectively determinewhether the health of employees is adversely affected by exposure. If medical examinations arein the nature of research as determined by the division, the examinations may be furnished atdivision expense. The results of such examinations or tests shall be furnished only to thedivision; and, at the request of the employee, to the employee's physician.
(ii) The administrator may by rule make appropriate modifications in requirements forthe use of labels or other forms of warning, monitoring or measuring, and medical examinationswarranted by experience, information, or medical or technological developments acquiredsubsequent to the promulgation of the relevant standard.
(f) Whenever a rule issued by the administrator differs substantially from an existingnational consensus standard, the division shall publish a statement of the reasons why the rule asadopted will better effectuate the purposes of this chapter than the national consensus standard.
(g) Whenever a rule, standard, or national consensus standard is modified by thesecretary so as to make less restrictive the federal Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety andHealth Act of 1970, the less restrictive modification shall be immediately applicable to thischapter and shall be immediately implemented by the division.
(3) (a) The administrator shall provide an emergency temporary standard to takeimmediate effect upon publication if the administrator determines that:
(i) employees are exposed to grave danger from exposure to substances or agentsdetermined to be toxic or physically harmful or from new hazards; and
(ii) that the standard is necessary to protect employees from danger.
(b) An emergency standard shall be effective until superseded by a standard issued inaccordance with the procedures prescribed in Subsection (3)(c).
(c) Upon publication of an emergency standard the division shall commence aproceeding in accordance with Subsection (2) and the standard as published shall serve as aproposed rule for the proceedings. The division shall issue a standard under Subsection (3) nolater than 120 days after publication of the emergency standard.
(4) (a) Any affected employer may apply to the division for a rule or order for a variancefrom a standard issued under this section. Affected employees shall be given notice of eachapplication and may participate in a hearing. The administrator shall issue a rule or order if theadministrator determines on the record, after opportunity for an inspection where appropriate anda hearing, that the proponent of the variance has demonstrated by a preponderance of theevidence that the conditions, practices, means, methods, operations, or processes used orproposed to be used by an employer will provide employment and a workplace to the employer'semployees that are as safe and healthful as those which would prevail if the employer compliedwith the standard.
(b) The rule or order issued under Subsection (4)(a) shall prescribe the conditions theemployer must maintain, and the practices, means, methods, operations and processes that theemployer must adopt and use to the extent they differ from the standard in question.
(c) A rule or order issued under Subsection (4)(a) may be modified or revoked uponapplication by an employer, employees, or by the administrator on its own motion, in the mannerprescribed for its issuance under Subsection (4) at any time after six months from its issuance.
(5) The administrator shall include a statement of reasons for the administrator's actionswhen the administrator:
(a) issues any code, standard, rule, or order;
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session