34A-6-303. Enforcement procedures -- Notification to employer of proposedassessment -- Notification to employer of failure to correct violation -- Contest by employerof citation or proposed assessment -- Procedure. (1) (a) If the division issues a citation under Subsection
34A-6-302(1), it shall within areasonable time after inspection or investigation, notify the employer by certified mail of theassessment, if any, proposed to be assessed under Section
34A-6-307 and that the employer has30 days to notify the Division of Adjudication that the employer intends to contest the citation,abatement, or proposed assessment.
(b) If, within 30 days from the receipt of the notice issued by the division, the employerfails to notify the Division of Adjudication that the employer intends to contest the citation,abatement, or proposed assessment, and no notice is filed by any employee or representative ofemployees under Subsection (3) within 30 days, the citation, abatement, and assessment, asproposed, is final and not subject to review by any court or agency.
(2) (a) If the division has reason to believe that an employer has failed to correct aviolation for which a citation has been issued within the time period permitted, the division shallnotify the employer by certified mail:
(i) of the failure;
(ii) of the assessment proposed to be assessed under Section
34A-6-307; and
(iii) that the employer has 30 days to notify the Division of Adjudication that theemployer intends to contest the division's notification or the proposed assessment.
(b) The period for corrective action does not begin to run until entry of a final order bythe commission.
(c) If the employer fails to notify the Division of Adjudication, in writing, within 30 daysfrom the receipt of notification issued by the division, that the employer intends to contest thenotification or proposed assessment, the notification and assessment, as proposed, is final and notsubject to review by any court or agency.
(3) (a) If an employer notifies the Division of Adjudication that the employer intends tocontest a citation issued under Subsection
34A-6-302(1), or notification issued under Subsection(1) or (2), or if, within 30 days of the issuance of a citation under Subsection
34A-6-302(1), anyemployee or representative of employees files a notice with the division alleging that the period oftime fixed in the citation for the abatement of the violation is unreasonable, the division shalladvise the commissioner of the notification, and the commissioner shall provide an opportunityfor a hearing.
(b) Upon a showing by an employer of a good faith effort to comply with the abatementrequirements of a citation, and that the abatement has not been completed because of factorsbeyond the employer's reasonable control, the division, after an opportunity for discussion andconsideration, shall issue an order affirming or modifying the abatement requirements in anycitation.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 375, 1997 General Session