34A-8a-301. Initial report on injured worker. (1) An employer or the employer's workers' compensation insurance carrier shall preparean initial written report assessing an injured worker's need or lack of need for vocationalassistance in reemployment if:
(a) it appears that the injured worker is or will be a disabled injured worker; or
(b) the period of the injured worker's temporary total disability compensation periodexceeds 90 days.
(2) (a) Subject to Subsection (2)(b), an employer or the employer's workers'compensation insurance carrier shall:
(i) serve the initial written report required by Subsection (1) on the injured worker; and
(ii) file the initial written report required by Subsection (1) with the division.
(b) An employer or the employer's workers' compensation insurance carrier shall complywith Subsection (2)(a) by no later than 30 days after the earlier of the day on which:
(i) it appears that the injured worker is or will be a disabled injured worker; or
(ii) the 90-day period described in Subsection (1)(b) ends.
(3) With the initial written report required by Subsection (1), an employer or theemployer's workers' compensation insurance carrier shall provide an injured worker informationregarding reemployment.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 158, 2009 General Session