34A-8a-302. Evaluation of injured worker -- Reemployment plan. (1) Subject to the other provisions of this section, if an injured worker is a disabledinjured worker, the employer or the employer's workers' compensation insurance carrier shall,within 10 days after the day on which the employer or workers' compensation insurance carrierserves the initial written report on the injured worker, refer the disabled injured worker to:
(a) the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation; or
(b) at the employer's or workers' compensation insurance carrier's option, a privaterehabilitation or reemployment service.
(2) An employer or the employer's workers' compensation insurance carrier shall makethe referral required by Subsection (1) for the purpose of:
(a) providing an evaluation; and
(b) developing a reemployment plan.
(3) The commission may authorize an employer or the employer's workers' compensationinsurance carrier to:
(a) not make a referral required by Subsection (1); or
(b) make a referral during a different time period than required by Subsection (1).
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 158, 2009 General Session