35A-1-206. State Council on Workforce Services -- Appointment -- Membership --Terms of members -- Compensation. (1) There is created a State Council on Workforce Services that shall:
(a) perform the activities described in Subsection (8);
(b) advise on issues requested by the department and the Legislature; and
(c) make recommendations to the department regarding:
(i) the implementation of Chapters 2, Regional Workforce Services Areas, 3,Employment Support Act, and 5, Training and Workforce Improvement Act; and
(ii) the coordination of apprenticeship training.
(2) (a) The council shall consist of the following voting members:
(i) each chair of a regional workforce services council appointed under Section
(ii) the superintendent of public instruction or the superintendent's designee;
(iii) the commissioner of higher education or the commissioner's designee; and
(iv) the following members appointed by the governor in consultation with the executivedirector:
(A) four representatives of small employers as defined by rule by the department;
(B) four representatives of large employers as defined by rule by the department;
(C) four representatives of employees or employee organizations, including at least onerepresentative from nominees suggested by public employees organizations;
(D) two representatives of the clients served under this title including community-basedorganizations;
(E) a representative of veterans in the state; and
(F) the executive director of the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation.
(b) The following shall serve as nonvoting ex officio members of the council:
(i) the executive director or the executive director's designee;
(ii) a legislator appointed by the governor from nominations of the speaker of the Houseof Representatives and president of the Senate;
(iii) the executive director of the Department of Human Services;
(iv) the director of the Governor's Office of Economic Development or the director'sdesignee; and
(v) the executive director of the Department of Health.
(3) (a) The governor shall appoint one nongovernmental member from the council to bethe chair.
(b) The chair shall serve at the pleasure of the governor.
(4) (a) A member appointed by the governor shall serve a term of four years and may bereappointed to one additional term.
(b) A member shall continue to serve until the member's successor has been appointedand qualified.
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(d), as terms of council members expire, thegovernor shall appoint each new member or reappointed member to a four-year term.
(d) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (4)(c), the governor shall, at the timeof appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of councilmembers are staggered so that approximately one half of the council is appointed every twoyears.
(e) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall beappointed for the unexpired term.
(5) A majority of the voting members constitutes a quorum for the transaction ofbusiness.
(6) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, butmay receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
(a) Section
(b) Section
63A-3-107; and
(c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections
63A-3-106 and
(7) The department shall provide staff and administrative support to the council at thedirection of the executive director.
(8) The council shall:
(a) develop a state workforce services plan in accordance with Section
(b) review regional workforce services plans to certify consistency with state policyguidelines;
(c) work cooperatively with regional councils on workforce services to oversee regionalworkforce services area operations and to ensure that services are being delivered in accordancewith regional workforce services plans;
(d) oversee the department's provision of technical assistance to the regional workforceservices areas;
(e) evaluate program performance, customer satisfaction, and other indicators to identifyprogram strengths and weaknesses;
(f) based on the evaluation conducted under Subsection (8)(e) develop plans to improveprogram outcomes;
(g) improve the understanding and visibility of state workforce services efforts throughexternal and internal marketing strategies;
(h) make an annual report of accomplishments to the governor and the Legislature relatedto the activities of the department;
(i) issue other studies, reports, or documents the council considers advisable that are notrequired under Subsection (8)(h);
(j) coordinate the planning and delivery of workforce development services with publiceducation, higher education, vocational rehabilitation, and human services; and
(k) perform other responsibilities within the scope of workforce services as requested by:
(i) the Legislature;
(ii) the governor; or
(iii) the executive director.
Amended by Chapter 286, 2010 General Session