35A-3-109. Assistance provided to guardian or other caretaker -- Periodic review. (1) When it appears necessary or advisable, public assistance may be paid to the legalguardian of an applicant or client.
(2) The division may provide cash assistance under Part 3, Family Employment Program,on behalf of an eligible client, to another individual interested in or concerned with the welfare ofthe client only when:
(a) by reason of the client's physical or mental condition, the client is unable to managefunds;
(b) when the provision of cash assistance directly to the client would be contrary to theclient's welfare; or
(c) when the division is so directed by federal requirements.
(3) The division shall undertake or contract with other state agencies to make specialefforts to protect the welfare of clients and improve their capacity for self-care. Periodic reviewof a client's condition is required. When conditions change, cash assistance that is provided to anindividual other than the client shall be discontinued or, when advisable, a legal guardian shall beappointed, whichever action best serves the interests and welfare of the client.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 174, 1997 General Session