35A-3-311. Cash assistance to noncitizen legal residents and drug dependentpersons. (1) The division may provide cash assistance to a legal resident who is not a citizen of theUnited States using funds appropriated from the general fund if barred under federal law fromusing federal funds.
(2) (a) The State exercises the opt out provision in Section 115 of the PersonalResponsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-193.
(b) Consistent with Subsection (2)(a), the division may provide cash assistance and foodstamps to a person who has been convicted of a felony involving a controlled substance, asdefined in Section
(c) As a condition for receiving cash assistance under this part, a drug dependant person,as defined in Section
58-37-2, shall:
(i) receive available treatment for the dependency; and
(ii) make progress toward overcoming the dependency.
(d) The department may only refer a client who is a drug dependent person to a treatmentprovider that has achieved an objective level of success, as defined by department rule, in treatingdrug dependency.
Enacted by Chapter 174, 1997 General Session