35A-3-313. Performance goals. (1) As used in this section:
(a) "Performance goals" means a target level of performance or an expected level ofperformance against which actual performance is compared.
(b) "Performance indicators" means actual performance information regarding a programor activity.
(c) "Performance monitoring system" means a process to regularly collect and analyzeperformance information including performance indicators and performance goals.
(2) (a) The department shall establish a performance monitoring system for cashassistance provided under this part.
(b) The department shall establish the performance indicators and performance goals thatwill be used in the performance monitoring system for cash assistance under this part.
(c) (i) On or before December 31 of each year, the department shall submit to thelegislative fiscal analyst and the director of the Office of Legislative Research and GeneralCounsel, a written report describing the difference between actual performance and performancegoals for the second, third, and fourth quarters of the prior fiscal year and the first quarter of thecurrent fiscal year.
(ii) (A) The legislative fiscal analyst or the analyst's designee shall convey theinformation contained in the report to the appropriation subcommittee that has oversightresponsibilities for the Department of Workforce Services during the General Session thatfollows the submission of the report.
(B) The subcommittee may consider the information in its deliberations regarding thebudget for services and supports under this chapter.
(iii) The director of the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel or thedirector's designee shall convey the information in the report to the legislative interim committeethat has oversight responsibilities for the Department of Workforce Services.
Amended by Chapter 235, 2007 General Session
Amended by Chapter 306, 2007 General Session