35A-3-401. General Assistance. (1) (a) General Assistance may be provided to individuals who are not receiving cashassistance under Part 3, Family Employment Program, or Supplemental Security Income, andwho are unemployable according to standards established by the department.
(b) (i) General Assistance may be provided by payment in cash or in kind.
(ii) The office may provide an amount less than the existing payment level for anotherwise similarly situated client of cash assistance under Part 3, Family Employment Program.
(c) The office shall establish asset limitations for General Assistance clients.
(d) (i) General Assistance may be granted to meet special nonrecurrent needs of anapplicant for the federal Supplemental Security Income program, if the applicant agrees toreimburse the division for assistance advanced while awaiting the determination of eligibility bythe Social Security Administration.
(ii) General Assistance payments may not be made to a current client of cash assistanceor Supplemental Security Income.
(e) (i) General Assistance may be used for the reasonable cost of burial for a client, ifheirs or relatives are not financially able to assume this expense.
(ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(e)(i), if the body of a person is unclaimed, Section
53B-17-301 applies.
(iii) The department shall fix the cost of a reasonable burial and conditions under whichburial expenditures may be made.
(2) The division may cooperate with any governmental unit or agency, or any privatenonprofit agency in establishing work projects to provide employment for employable persons.
Amended by Chapter 29, 2004 General Session