35A-3-607. Property subject to execution or lien -- Restriction on transfer orconveyance -- Release of excess amount above liability to obligor. (1) After receiving notice that an abstract has been docketed and a lien established underthis part, a person in possession of any property which may be subject to execution or lien maynot pay over, release, sell, transfer, encumber, or convey that property to any person other thanthe department, unless the person in possession first receives a release or waiver from thedepartment, or a court order releasing the lien or stating that the liability does not exist or hasbeen satisfied.
(2) If a person has in his possession earnings, deposits, accounts, or balances owed to theobligor in excess of $100 over the amount of the liability claimed by the department, that personmay, without liability under this part, release the excess to the obligor.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 90, 2003 General Session