payable to an individual that owes child support obligations:
(i) any amount required to be deducted and withheld from unemployment compensationunder legal process, as defined in the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 659(i), properly servedupon the department;
(ii) the amount determined under an agreement submitted to the division underSubsection 454 (19)(B)(i) of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 654, by the state or localchild support enforcement agency, except if Subsection (5)(c)(i) is applicable; or
(iii) the amount specified by the claimant to the division if neither Subsection (5)(c)(i)nor (ii) is applicable.
(d) The division shall notify the state food stamp agency that an individual is eligible forunemployment compensation if the individual:
(i) owes an uncollected overissuance of food stamp benefits; and
(ii) is determined to be eligible for unemployment compensation.
(e) The division shall deduct and withhold from any unemployment compensationpayable to an individual who owes an uncollected overissuance of food stamp benefits:
(i) the amount specified by the individual to the division to be deducted and withheldunder this Subsection (5)(e);
(ii) the amount, if any, determined pursuant to an agreement submitted to the state foodstamp agency under Section 13(c)(3)(B) of the Food Stamp Act of 1977; or
(iii) any amount otherwise required to be deducted and withheld from unemploymentcompensation pursuant to Section 13(c)(3)(B) of the Food Stamp Act of 1977.
(f) Any amount deducted and withheld under Subsection (5)(c) or (e) shall:
(i) be paid by the department to the appropriate:
(A) state or local child support enforcement agency; or
(B) state food stamp agency; and
(ii) for all purposes, be treated as if it was paid to the individual as unemploymentcompensation and then paid by the individual to the appropriate:
(A) state or local child support enforcement agency in satisfaction of the individual'schild support obligation; or
(B) state food stamp agency in satisfaction of the individual's uncollected overissuance.
(g) For purposes of Subsection (5):
(i) "Child support obligation" means obligations that are enforced under a plan describedin Section 454 of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 654, that has been approved by theSecretary of Health and Human Services under Part D of Title IV of the Social Security Act, 42U.S.C. Sec. 651 et seq.
(ii) "State food stamp agency" means the Department of Workforce Services or itsdesignee responsible for the collection of uncollected overissuances.
(iii) "State or local child support enforcement agency" means any agency or politicalsubdivision of the state operating under a plan described in Subsection (5).
(iv) "Uncollected overissuance" is as defined in Section 13(c)(1) of the Food Stamp Actof 1977.
(v) "Unemployment compensation" means any compensation payable under this chapter,including amounts payable under an agreement directed by federal law that providescompensation assistance or allowances for unemployment.
(h) Subsection (5) is applicable only if appropriate arrangements have been made for
reimbursement by the state or local child support enforcement agency or state food stamp agencyfor the administrative costs of the department under Subsection (5) that are directly related to theenforcement of child support obligations or the repayment of uncollected overissuance of foodstamp benefits.
Amended by Chapter 305, 2008 General Session