35A-4-201. General definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) (a) Except as otherwise provided in Subsection (1)(b), "base period" means the firstfour of the last five completed calendar quarters next preceding the first day of the individual'sbenefit year with respect to any individual whose benefit year commences on or after January 5,1986.
(b) (i) For a claimant whose benefit year is effective on or after January 2, 2011, and whodoes not have sufficient wages in the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters tootherwise qualify for benefits under Subsection (1)(a), the base period is the last four completedcalendar quarters.
(ii) Wages used to establish eligibility regardless of how the base period is calculated arenot available for qualifying benefits in any subsequent benefit year.
(2) "Benefit year" means the 52 consecutive week period beginning with the first weekwith respect to which an individual files for benefits and is found to have an insured status.
(3) "Benefits" means the money payments payable to an individual as provided in thischapter with respect to the individual's unemployment.
(4) "Calendar quarter" means the period of three consecutive months ending on March31, June 30, September 30, or December 31, or the equivalent, as the department may by ruleprescribe.
(5) "Contribution" means the money payments required by this chapter to be made intothe Unemployment Compensation Fund by any employing unit on account of having individualsin its employ.
(6) "Division" means the Unemployment Insurance Division.
(7) "Employment office" means a free public employment office or branch operated bythis or any other state as a part of a state-controlled system of public employment offices or by afederal agency charged with the administration of an unemployment compensation program orfree public employment offices.
(8) "Extended benefits" has the meaning specified in Subsection
(9) "Fund" means the Unemployment Compensation Fund established by this chapter.
(10) "Insured average annual wage" means on or before the 15th day of May of eachyear, the total wages of insured workers for the preceding calendar year, divided by the averagemonthly number of insured workers, determined by dividing by 12 the total insured workers forthe preceding calendar year as determined under the rules of the department calculated to twodecimal places, disregarding any fraction of one cent.
(11) "Insured average fiscal year wage" means on or before the 15th day of November ofeach year, the total wages of insured workers for the preceding fiscal year, divided by the averagemonthly number of insured workers, determined by dividing by 12 the total insured workers forthe preceding fiscal year as determined under the rules of the department calculated to twodecimal places, disregarding any fraction of one cent.
(12) "Insured average fiscal year weekly wage" means the insured average fiscal yearwage determined in Subsection (11), divided by 52, calculated to two decimal places,disregarding any fraction of one cent.
(13) "Insured average weekly wage" means the insured average annual wage determinedin Subsection (10), divided by 52, calculated to two decimal places, disregarding any fraction ofone cent.
(14) "Insured status" means that an individual has, during the individual's base-period,performed services and earned wages in employment sufficient to qualify for benefits underSection
(15) "Insured work" means employment for an employer, as defined in Section
(16) "Monetary base period wage requirement" means 8% of the insured average fiscalyear wage for the preceding fiscal year, for example, fiscal year 1990 for individuals establishingbenefit years in 1991, rounded up to the next higher multiple of $100.
(17) "State" includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and theDistrict of Columbia.
(18) "Tribal unit" means a subdivision, subsidiary, or business enterprise wholly ownedby an American Indian tribe.
(19) "Week" means the period or periods of seven consecutive calendar days as thedepartment may prescribe by rule.
Amended by Chapter 277, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 278, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 282, 2010 General Session