36-1-203. Omissions from maps -- How resolved. (1) If any area of the state is omitted from a Utah House of Representatives district in themaps enacted by the Legislature, the county clerk of the affected county, upon discovery of theomission, shall attach the area to the appropriate House district according to the requirements ofSubsections (2) and (3).
(2) If the area is surrounded by a House district, the area shall be attached to that district.
(3) If the area is contiguous to two districts, the area shall be attached to the district thathas the least population, as determined by the official census population figures and maps of theBureau of the Census of the United States Department of Commerce developed in connectionwith the taking of the 2000 national decennial census.
(4) Any attachment made under Subsection (1) shall be certified in writing and filed withthe lieutenant governor.
Enacted by Chapter 1, 2001 Special Session 2