36-2-2. Salaries and expenses of members -- Compensation of in-session employees. (1) (a) Unless rejected or lowered as provided in Section
36-2-3, beginning in 2001 andin each odd-numbered year after that year, members of the Legislature shall receive a salary equalto the amount recommended by the Legislative Compensation Commission in the last reportissued by the commission in the previous even-numbered year.
(b) Unless rejected or lowered as provided in Section
36-2-3, beginning in 2001 and ineach odd-numbered year after that year, members of the Legislature shall receive a salary forattendance at a veto-override, special session, and other authorized legislative meetings equal tothe amount recommended by the Legislative Compensation Commission in the last report issuedby the commission in the previous even-numbered year.
(2) (a) Unless rejected or lowered as provided in Section
36-2-3, beginning in 2001 andin each odd-numbered year after that year, the president of the Senate and the speaker of theHouse of Representatives shall receive a salary equal to the amount recommended by theLegislative Compensation Commission in the last report issued by the commission in theprevious even-numbered year.
(b) Beginning in 2001 and in each odd-numbered year after that year, the majority andminority leadership of each house shall receive a salary equal to the amount recommended by theLegislative Compensation Commission in the last report issued by the commission in theprevious even-numbered year.
(3) The Legislature shall:
(a) establish, by joint rule of the Legislature, the expenses of its members; and
(b) ensure that the rules governing expenses are based upon:
(i) payment of necessary expenses for attendance during legislative sessions;
(ii) a mileage allowance; and
(iii) reimbursement for other expenses involved in the performance of legislative duties.
(4) (a) The Legislature shall establish the compensation of in-session employees by jointresolution at each session of the Legislature.
(b) For necessary work done by in-session employees of the Legislature after theadjournment of a session, the presiding officer of the house employing that work shall approvepayment for the work.
Amended by Chapter 133, 2010 General Session