36-11-103. Licensing requirements. (1) (a) Before engaging in any lobbying, a lobbyist shall obtain a license from thelieutenant governor by completing the form required by this section.
(b) The lieutenant governor shall issue licenses to qualified lobbyists.
(c) The lieutenant governor shall prepare a Lobbyist License Application Form thatincludes:
(i) a place for the lobbyist's name and business address;
(ii) a place for the following information for each principal for whom the lobbyist worksor is hired as an independent contractor:
(A) the principal's name;
(B) the principal's business address;
(C) the name of each public official that the principal employs and the nature of theemployment with the public official; and
(D) the general purposes, interests, and nature of the principal;
(iii) a place for the name and address of the person who paid or will pay the lobbyist'sregistration fee, if the fee is not paid by the lobbyist;
(iv) a place for the lobbyist to disclose:
(A) any elected or appointed position that the lobbyist holds in state or local government,if any; and
(B) the name of each public official that the lobbyist employs and the nature of theemployment with the public official, if any;
(v) a place for the lobbyist to disclose the types of expenditures for which the lobbyistwill be reimbursed; and
(vi) a certification to be signed by the lobbyist that certifies that the information providedin the form is true, accurate, and complete to the best of the lobbyist's knowledge and belief.
(2) Each lobbyist who obtains a license under this section shall update the licensureinformation when the lobbyist accepts employment for lobbying by a new client.
(3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4), the lieutenant governor shall grant alobbying license to an applicant who:
(i) files an application with the lieutenant governor that contains the information requiredby this section; and
(ii) pays a $100 filing fee.
(b) A license entitles a person to serve as a lobbyist on behalf of one or more principalsand expires on December 31 of each even-numbered year.
(4) (a) The lieutenant governor may disapprove an application for a lobbying license:
(i) if the applicant has been convicted of violating Section
76-8-303 within five years before the date of the lobbying license application;
(ii) if the applicant has been convicted of violating Section
76-8-104 or
76-8-304 withinone year before the date of the lobbying license application;
(iii) for the term of any suspension imposed under Section
(iv) if, within one year before the date of the lobbying license application, the applicanthas been found to have willingly and knowingly:
(A) violated this section or Section
36-11-305, or
36-11-403; or
(B) filed a document required by this chapter that the lobbyist knew contained materially
false information or omitted material information; or
(v) if the applicant is prohibited from becoming a lobbyist under Title 67, Chapter 24,Lobbying Restrictions Act.
(b) An applicant may appeal the disapproval in accordance with the proceduresestablished by the lieutenant governor under this chapter and Title 63G, Chapter 4,Administrative Procedures Act.
(5) The lieutenant governor shall deposit license fees in the General Fund.
(6) A principal need not obtain a license under this section, but if the principal makesexpenditures to benefit a public official without using a lobbyist as an agent to confer thosebenefits, the principal shall disclose those expenditures as required by Section 36-11-201.
(7) Government officers need not obtain a license under this section, but shall discloseany expenditures made to benefit public officials as required by Section 36-11-201.
(8) Surrender, cancellation, or expiration of a lobbyist license does not absolve thelobbyist of the duty to file the financial reports if the lobbyist is otherwise required to file thereports by Section 36-11-201.
Amended by Chapter 325, 2010 General Session