36-12-17. Duties of presiding officer and majority and minority leaders of eachhouse and chairman of Legislative Management Committee. (1) It shall be the duty of the presiding officer and the majority and minority leaders ofeach house to perform the following for their respective house:
(a) to manage legislative space for their house within the state capitol;
(b) to acquire, manage, and supervise office equipment and machines, data processingequipment, public address equipment, and other equipment and facilities needed by their houseand its committees, exclusive of equipment and facilities required by professional legislative staff;
(c) to employ, train, and supervise clerical help needed to serve all interim committeesand the Legislative Management Committee, except clerical help employed to assist professionallegislative staff;
(d) to supervise payment of per diem compensation and travel expenses of the membersof their house while in session; and
(e) to approve requests by members of their house for out-of-state travel on legislativebusiness and to supervise the reimbursement of actual and necessary expenses for such travel.
(2) The speaker of the House of Representatives and the president of the Senate mayperform additional services for legislators, including but not limited to the following:
(a) to provide at the state capitol secretarial services to all legislators of their houserequesting assistance with files and correspondence directly related to legislative business; at thediscretion of the minority political party, a secretary may be designated by the minority party; and
(b) to serve as an information source to the public in informing the citizenry of matterscurrently before the Legislature and its committees and to prepare and distribute material toinstruct the general public on the functions and operation of the Legislature.
(3) By agreement between the speaker of the House of Representatives and president ofthe Senate, any of the duties assigned to them by this section may be administered jointly for thetwo houses by the chairman of the Legislative Management Committee.
(4) The chairman of the Legislative Management Committee shall supervise the paymentof per diem compensation and in-state travel expenses of members of the LegislativeManagement Committee and all interim committees.
Amended by Chapter 47, 1985 General Session