36-12-8.1. Legislative Management Committee -- Subcommittee on Oversight --Members -- Duties -- Meetings. (1) There is created within the Legislative Management Committee a Subcommittee onOversight comprised of the following members:
(a) from the Senate:
(i) the president;
(ii) the majority leader;
(iii) the minority leader; and
(iv) the minority whip;
(b) from the House of Representatives:
(i) the speaker;
(ii) the majority leader;
(iii) the minority leader; and
(iv) the minority whip.
(2) The Subcommittee on Oversight shall:
(a) review and approve the budget for the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst, the Officeof Legislative Research and General Counsel, and the Office of Legislative Auditor General; and
(b) provide an annual performance review for the legislative fiscal analyst, the director ofthe Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, and the legislative auditor general.
(3) (a) This subcommittee shall meet no later than June 1st of each year to conduct theannual performance review and no later than November 1st of each year to review and approvethe budget of these offices.
(b) This subcommittee may meet as often as necessary to perform its duties.
Enacted by Chapter 165, 2000 General Session