36-22-1. Native American Legislative Liaison Committee -- Creation --Membership -- Chairs -- Salaries and expenses. (1) There is created the Native American Legislative Liaison Committee.
(2) The committee shall consist of 11 members:
(a) seven members from the House of Representatives appointed by the speaker, no morethan four of whom shall be members of the same political party; and
(b) four members of the Senate appointed by the president, no more than two of whomshall be members of the same political party.
(3) The speaker of the House shall select one of the members from the House ofRepresentatives to act as cochair of the committee.
(4) The president of the Senate shall select one of the members from the Senate to act ascochair of the committee.
(5) Salaries and expenses of the legislators shall be paid in accordance with Section
36-2-2 and Joint Rule 15.03.
Enacted by Chapter 143, 1995 General Session