36-23-101.5. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Committee" means the Occupational and Professional Licensure Review Committeecreated in Section
(2) "Newly regulate" means to regulate under Title 58, Occupations and Professions, anoccupation or profession not regulated under Title 58 before the enactment of the new regulation.
(3) "Proposal" means:
(a) an application submitted under Section
36-23-105, with or without specific proposedstatutory language;
(b) a request for review by a legislator of the possibility of newly regulating anoccupation or profession, with or without specific proposed statutory language; or
(c) proposed or introduced legislation to newly regulate an occupation or professionreferred to the committee by another legislative committee.
(4) "Sunrise review" means a review under this chapter of a proposal to newly regulatean occupation or profession.
Enacted by Chapter 137, 2007 General Session