38-1-3. Those entitled to lien -- What may be attached. Contractors, subcontractors, and all persons performing any services or furnishing orrenting any materials or equipment used in the construction, alteration, or improvement of anybuilding or structure or improvement to any premises in any manner and licensed architects andengineers and artisans who have furnished designs, plats, plans, maps, specifications, drawings,estimates of cost, surveys or superintendence, or who have rendered other like professionalservice, or bestowed labor, shall have a lien upon the property upon or concerning which theyhave rendered service, performed labor, or furnished or rented materials or equipment for thevalue of the service rendered, labor performed, or materials or equipment furnished or rented byeach respectively, whether at the instance of the owner or of any other person acting by hisauthority as agent, contractor, or otherwise except as the lien is barred under Section
38-11-107of the Residence Lien Restriction and Lien Recovery Fund Act. This lien shall attach only tosuch interest as the owner may have in the property.
Amended by Chapter 308, 1994 General Session