of commencement and the notice of commencement is filed more than 15 days after the day onwhich the person providing labor, service, equipment, or material begins work on the project, theperson providing labor, service, equipment, or material need not file a preliminary notice tomaintain the person's right to hold a lien under this chapter or any other right, including a rightreferenced under Subsection (1)(c).
(2) (a) (i) Unless a person indicates to the division or designated agent that the persondoes not wish to receive a notice under this section, electronic notification of the filing of apreliminary notice or alternate notice as prescribed in Subsection (1), shall be provided to:
(A) the person filing the preliminary notice;
(B) each person that filed a notice of commencement for the project; and
(C) all interested persons who have requested notices concerning the project.
(ii) A person to whom notice is required under Subsection (2)(a)(i) is responsible for:
(A) providing an e-mail address, mailing address, or telefax number to which a noticerequired by Subsection (2)(a) is to be sent; and
(B) the accuracy of any e-mail address, mailing address, or telefax number to whichnotice is to be sent.
(iii) The designated agent fulfills the notice requirement of Subsection (2)(a)(i) when itsends the notice to the e-mail address, mailing address, or telefax number provided to thedesignated agent whether or not the notice is actually received.
(b) The burden is upon the person filing the preliminary notice to prove that the personhas substantially complied with the requirements of this section.
(c) Subject to Subsection (2)(d), a person required by this section to give preliminarynotice is only required to give one notice for each project.
(d) If the labor, service, equipment, or material is furnished pursuant to contracts undermore than one original contract, the notice requirements must be met with respect to the labor,service, equipment, or material furnished under each original contract.
(3) (a) If a construction project owner, original contractor, subcontractor, or otherinterested person believes that a preliminary notice has been filed erroneously, that owner,original contractor, subcontractor, or other interested person can request from the person whofiled the preliminary notice evidence establishing the validity of the preliminary notice.
(b) Within 10 days after the request described in Subsection (3)(a), the person or entitythat filed the preliminary notice shall provide the requesting person or entity proof that thepreliminary notice is valid.
(c) If the person or entity that filed the preliminary notice does not provide proof of thevalidity of the preliminary notice, that person or entity shall immediately cancel the preliminarynotice from the database in any manner prescribed by the division pursuant to rule.
(4) A person filing a preliminary notice by alternate filing is responsible for verifying andchanging any incorrect information in the preliminary notice before the expiration of the timeperiod during which the notice is required to be filed.
(5) Until June 1, 2008, nothing in this section affects a person's rights under Title 38,Chapter 11, Residence Lien Restriction and Lien Recovery Fund Act.
Amended by Chapter 50, 2009 General Session