38-2-3.1. Special lien on personal property for services rendered -- General lien ofdry cleaning establishments, laundries, and shoe repair shops. Every person who, while lawfully in possession of an article of personal property, rendersany service to the owner or owners thereof, by labor or skill performed upon said personalproperty at the request or order of said owner, has a special lien thereon, dependent onpossession, for the compensation, if any, which is due to him from the owner or owners for suchservice; and every laundry proprietor, person conducting a laundry business, dry cleaningestablishment, proprietor and person conducting a dry cleaning establishment, shoe repairestablishment proprietor and person conducting a shoe repair establishment has a general lien,dependent on possession, upon all personal property in his hands belonging to a customer, for thebalance due him from such customer for laundry work, and for the balance due him for drycleaning work, and for the balance due him for shoe repair work; but nothing in this section shallbe construed to confer a lien in favor of a wholesale dry cleaner on materials received from a drycleaning establishment proprietor or a person conducting a dry cleaning establishment. The terms"person" and "proprietor" as used in this section shall include an individual, firm, partnership,association, corporation and company.
Enacted by Chapter 62, 1953 General Session