38-4-4. Unclaimed shipments -- Delivery to warehouseman. Whenever any railroad company or other common carrier, except an express company,shall have transported any baggage or freight to the place of consignment within this state, andthe owner, consignee or person entitled to receive the same shall omit, for the period of 60 daysafter the arrival of the baggage or freight at the place of consignment, to accept and remove thesame and pay the charges thereon, it shall be lawful for such carrier to deliver such freight forstorage to some person or company conducting the business of storing goods, subject to thecharges thereon for transportation, storage by the carrier and conveyance and drayage to the placeof storage, accompanied by a copy of the bill of lading in case of freight, or, in case of baggage,by a statement of the place from which, and the place to which, such baggage was transported,together with the check numbers; and any carrier whose route reaches into this state may collectand store as aforesaid at any station in this state the unclaimed freight from all or any points orstations on its line within this state.
No Change Since 1953