38-10-101. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Contractor" means any person who, under contract with the owner or an operatordesignated by an owner, performs work upon or furnishes materials or equipment for anyproduction unit.
(2) "Lien claimant" means contractors and subcontractors who claim a lien under thischapter.
(3) "Mine" means a mining claim, mineral deposit, ore deposit, quarry, or mining leaseand any related shaft, tunnel, incline, drift, or excavation.
(4) "Owner" means a person holding any operating right, working interest, or interest inthe legal or equitable title, to any real property, mine, oil lease, gas lease, well, or anycombination of these, unless otherwise provided in this chapter.
(5) "Production unit" means:
(a) the drilling unit for a well established by lawful order or rule of the Board of Oil, Gas,and Mining in which the well is located; or if not applicable, 40 acres comprising thequarter-quarter section, or equivalent legal subdivision, in which the well is located; or
(b) a mine, and if work is performed upon or materials or equipment furnished to any partof the mine from which two or more mines are worked, the production unit shall extend to theowner's interest in the mines so worked.
(6) "Subcontractor" means any person, other than the contractor, who, under contract witha contractor or another subcontractor, performs work upon or furnishes materials or equipmentfor any production unit.
Amended by Chapter 203, 1990 General Session