39-1-15. Adjutant general -- Disposition of unserviceable property. (1) All military property of the state, which after proper inspection shall be foundunserviceable, shall, under the direction of the governor, be disposed of by the adjutant general atpublic or private sale as he may consider advisable.
(2) (a) If the inspecting officer decides that the value of the property described inSubsection (1) exceeds $50 in value, the sale in accordance with Subsection (1) shall be madeafter notice is published:
(i) 10 days before the sale in a newspaper published in the county where the sale willoccur; and
(ii) in accordance within Section
45-1-101 10 days before the sale.
(b) If such unserviceable property shall be found by the inspecting officer to be of noactual value, it shall be destroyed under the direction of the adjutant general.
Amended by Chapter 388, 2009 General Session