39-1-24. Duties of assistant adjutants general. (1) The joint forces headquarters deputy commander shall serve in the office of theadjutant general without pay from the state, performing duties assigned him by the adjutantgeneral.
(2) The assistant adjutant general detailed for permanent duty shall serve in the office ofthe adjutant general, performing duties assigned him by the adjutant general. In the absence ordisability of the adjutant general he shall perform the duties of the adjutant general, unlessotherwise delegated by the adjutant general to another qualified officer. The assistant adjutantgeneral detailed for permanent duty shall serve with pay from the state.
(3) The assistant adjutant general not detailed for permanent duty in the office of theadjutant general shall serve without pay from the state and perform duties assigned him by theadjutant general.
Amended by Chapter 65, 2005 General Session