39-1-64. Extension of licenses for members of National Guard and reservists. (1) As used in this section, "license" means any license issued under:
(a) Title 58, Occupations and Professions; and
(b) Section
(2) Any license held by a member of the National Guard or reserve component of thearmed forces that expires while the member is on active duty shall be extended until 90 days afterthe member is discharged from active duty status.
(3) The licensing agency shall renew a license extended under Subsection (2) until thenext date that the license expires or for the period that the license is normally issued, at no cost tothe member of the National Guard or reserve component of the armed forces if all of thefollowing conditions are met:
(a) the National Guard member or reservist requests renewal of the license within 90days after being discharged;
(b) the National Guard member or reservist provides the licensing agency with a copy ofthe member's or reservist's official orders calling the member or reservist to active duty, andofficial orders discharging the member or reservist from active duty; and
(c) the National Guard member or reservist meets all the requirements necessary for therenewal of the license, except the member or reservist need not meet the requirements, if any,that relate to continuing education or training.
(4) The provisions of this section do not apply to regularly scheduled annual training.
Enacted by Chapter 82, 2004 General Session