39-6-51. Confinement as sentence -- Penal institutions. (1) A sentence of confinement imposed by a military court, whether or not it includesdischarge or dismissal and whether or not the discharge or dismissal has been executed, may becarried into execution by confinement in any place of confinement under the control of any of theforces of the National Guard or in any jail, penitentiary, or prison under the control of the state orof any political subdivision of the state.
(2) If the words "hard labor" are not included in a sentence or punishment imposed by acourt martial imposing confinement, the authority executing the sentence or punishment is notprohibited from requiring hard labor as a part of the sentence or punishment.
(3) The keepers, officers, sheriffs, and wardens of penal institutions of the state and itspolitical subdivisions designated by the governor or his designee under Section
39-6-10 shall:
(a) receive persons ordered into confinement before trial and persons committed toconfinement by a military court;
(b) confine them according to law; and
(c) receive or confine a person under this chapter without assessing any fee or charge.
Amended by Chapter 9, 1988 Special Session 2