39-8-102. Counseling program. (1) There is created within the Department of Human Services, a counseling program forservicemembers and the families of servicemembers following demobilization from activeservice.
(2) The Department of Human Services shall develop and, within the appropriations ofthe Legislature, implement a statewide counseling program for the servicemember and theservicemember's immediate family.
(3) The program shall:
(a) be available to the servicemember and the servicemember's immediate family:
(i) 60 days prior to the servicemember's return or demobilization; and
(ii) until one year from the date of return or demobilization, whichever is later; and
(b) include counseling services designed to facilitate the reintegration of theservicemember back into civilian and family life.
(4) The Department of Human Services shall seek input from the Utah National Guardregarding the content of the counseling program.
Enacted by Chapter 333, 2006 General Session