40-8-18. Notice of intention to revise operations -- Procedure. (1) (a) Since mining operations and related reclamation plans may need to be revised toaccommodate changing conditions or new technology, an operator conducting mining operationsunder an approved notice of intention shall submit to the division a notice of intention whenrevising mining operations.
(b) The notice of intention to revise mining operations shall be submitted in the formrequired by the rules promulgated by the board.
(2) (a) The notice of intention to revise mining operations will be designated as anamendment to the existing notice of intention by the division, based on rules promulgated by theboard.
(b) An amendment of a notice of intention will be reviewed and considered for approvalor disapproval by the division within 30 days of receipt of a notice of intention to revise miningoperations.
(3) (a) A notice of intention to revise mining operations, if not designated as anamendment of a notice of intention as set forth in Subsection (2), shall be processed andconsidered for approval by the division in the same manner and within the same time period asan original notice of intention.
(b) The operator shall be authorized and bound by the requirements of the existing noticeuntil the revision is acted upon and any revised surety requirements are established and satisfied.
(4) (a) If a change in the operation occurs, a mining operation representative shall submitan amendment to the notice of intention.
(b) Although approval of an amendment to the notice of intention by small miningoperations is not required, a revised surety shall be filed by the permittee prior to implementingthe amended notice of intention.
Amended by Chapter 35, 2003 General Session