supervising or contacting the dealers or prospective dealers of the manufacturer or the factorybranch.
(16) "Franchise" means a contract or agreement between a dealer and a manufacturer ofnew motor vehicles or its distributor or factory branch by which the dealer is authorized to sellany specified make or makes of new motor vehicles.
(17) "Manufacturer" means a person engaged in the business of constructing orassembling new motor vehicles, ownership of which is customarily transferred by amanufacturer's statement or certificate of origin, or a person who constructs three or more newmotor vehicles in any 12-month period.
(18) "Motorcycle" has the same meaning as defined in Section 41-1a-102.
(19) (a) "Motor vehicle" means a vehicle that is:
(i) self-propelled;
(ii) a trailer, travel trailer, or semitrailer; or
(iii) an off-highway vehicle or small trailer.
(b) "Motor vehicle" does not include:
(i) mobile homes as defined in Section 41-1a-102;
(ii) trailers of 750 pounds or less unladen weight; and
(iii) farm tractors and other machines and tools used in the production, harvesting, andcare of farm products.
(20) "New motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle that has never been titled or registeredand has been driven less than 7,500 miles, unless the motor vehicle is an off-highway vehicle,small trailer, trailer, travel trailer, or semitrailer, in which case the mileage limit does not apply.
(21) "Off-highway vehicle" has the same meaning as provided in Section 41-22-2.
(22) "Pawnbroker" means a person whose business is to lend money on security ofpersonal property deposited with him.
(23) "Principal place of business" means a site or location in this state:
(a) devoted exclusively to the business for which the dealer, manufacturer,remanufacturer, transporter, dismantler, crusher, or body shop is licensed, and businessesincidental to them;
(b) sufficiently bounded by fence, chain, posts, or otherwise marked to definitely indicatethe boundary and to admit a definite description with space adequate to permit the display ofthree or more new, or new and used, or used motor vehicles and sufficient parking for the public;and
(c) that includes a permanent enclosed building or structure large enough toaccommodate the office of the establishment and to provide a safe place to keep the books andother records of the business, at which the principal portion of the business is conducted and thebooks and records kept and maintained.
(24) "Remanufacturer" means a person who reconstructs used motor vehicles subject toregistration under Title 41, Chapter 1a, Motor Vehicle Act, to change the body style andappearance of the motor vehicle or who constructs or assembles motor vehicles from used or newand used motor vehicle parts, or who reconstructs, constructs, or assembles three or more motorvehicles in any 12-month period.
(25) "Salesperson" means an individual who for a salary, commission, or compensationof any kind, is employed either directly, indirectly, regularly, or occasionally by any new motorvehicle dealer or used motor vehicle dealer to sell, purchase, or exchange or to negotiate for the
sale, purchase, or exchange of motor vehicles.
(26) "Semitrailer" has the same meaning as defined in Section 41-1a-102.
(27) "Small trailer" means a trailer that has an unladen weight of more than 750 pounds,but less than 2,000 pounds.
(28) "Special equipment" includes a truck mounted crane, cherry picker, material lift,post hole digger, and a utility or service body.
(29) "Special equipment dealer" means a new or new and used motor vehicle dealerengaged in the business of buying new incomplete motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of12,000 or more pounds and installing special equipment on the incomplete motor vehicle.
(30) "Trailer" has the same meaning as defined in Section 41-1a-102.
(31) "Transporter" means a person engaged in the business of transporting motorvehicles as described in Section 41-3-202.
(32) "Travel trailer" has the same meaning as provided in Section 41-1a-102.
(33) "Used motor vehicle" means a vehicle that has been titled and registered to apurchaser other than a dealer or has been driven 7,500 or more miles, unless the vehicle is atrailer, or semitrailer, in which case the mileage limit does not apply.
(34) "Wholesale motor vehicle auction" means a dealer primarily engaged in the businessof auctioning consigned motor vehicles to dealers or dismantlers who are licensed by this or anyother jurisdiction.
Amended by Chapter 393, 2010 General Session