45-1-201. Newspapers "of general circulation" -- Requirements. No newspaper shall be deemed a newspaper having general circulation for the purpose ofpublishing any notice, advertisement or publication of any kind required by law, unless it has abona fide subscription list of not less than 200 subscribers in this state, and shall have beenpublished for not less than 18 months, and shall have been admitted in the United States mails assecond-class matter for 12 months; provided, that nothing in this chapter shall invalidate thepublication in a newspaper which has simply changed its name or ownership, or has simplymoved its place of publication from one part of the state to another, or suspended publication onaccount of fire, flood or unavoidable accident not to exceed 10 weeks; provided further, thatnothing in this chapter shall apply to any county wherein no newspaper has been published therequisite length of time.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 388, 2009 General Session