45-2-10. Privileged broadcasts. A privileged broadcast which shall not be considered as libelous, slanderous, ordefamatory per se, is one made:
(1) In the proper discharge of an official duty.
(2) In any broadcast of or any statement made in any legislative or judicial proceeding, orin any other official proceeding authorized by law.
(3) By a fair and true report, without malice of a judicial, legislative or other publicofficial proceeding, or of anything said in the course thereof, or of a charge or complaint made byany person to a public official, upon which a warrant shall have been issued or an arrest made.
(4) By a fair and true report, without malice, of the proceedings of a public meeting, ifsuch meeting was lawfully convened, for a lawful purpose and open to the public or the broadcastof the matter complained of was for the public benefit.
No Change Since 1953