46-1-12. Fees and notice. (1) The maximum fees that may be charged by a notary for notarial acts are for:
(a) acknowledgments, $5 per signature;
(b) certified copies, $5 per page certified;
(c) jurats, $5 per signature; and
(d) oaths or affirmations without a signature, $5 per person.
(2) A notary may charge a travel fee, not to exceed the approved federal mileage rate,when traveling to perform a notarial act if:
(a) the notary explains to the person requesting the notarial act that the travel fee isseparate from the notarial fee in Subsection (1) and is neither specified nor mandated by law; and
(b) the notary and the person requesting the notarial act agree upon the travel fee inadvance.
(3) A notary shall display an English-language schedule of fees for notarial acts and maydisplay a nonEnglish-language schedule of fees.
(4) (a) The fee of a notary shall not exceed $5 per individual for each set of formsrelating to a change of that individual's immigration status.
(b) The fee limitation in Subsection (4)(a) shall apply whether or not the notary is actingas a notary but does not apply to a licensed attorney, who is also a notary rendering professionalservices regarding immigration matters.
Amended by Chapter 287, 1998 General Session