46-1-17. Obtaining a seal. (1) A vendor may not provide a notarial seal, either inking or embossing, to a personclaiming to be a notary, unless the person presents a photocopy of the person's notarialcommission, attached to a notarized declaration substantially as follows:
Application for Notary Seal
I, __________________ (name of person requesting seal), declare that I am a notarypublic duly commissioned by the state of Utah with a commission starting date of __________, acommission expiration date of_______________, and a commission number of ___________. As evidence, I attach to this paper a photocopy of my commission.
(2) A vendor who provides a notarial seal in violation of this section is guilty of a class Bmisdemeanor.
Repealed and Re-enacted by Chapter 287, 1998 General Session