47-1-5. Order of abatement -- Execution -- Sale of personal property -- Padlocking. If the existence of the nuisance is established in an action as provided in this chapter, anorder of abatement shall be entered as a part of the judgment in the case. The order shall direct theremoval from the building or place of all fixtures, furniture, musical instruments, and movableproperty used in conducting the nuisance, and shall direct the sale thereof in the manner providedfor the sale of chattels under execution, and shall further direct the effective closing of thebuilding or place against its use for any purpose, and the keeping of it so closed for a period ofone year, unless sooner released. If any person shall break and enter or use a building, structure,or place so directed to be closed, he shall be punished as for contempt as provided in Section
47-1-4. For removing and selling the movable property the officer shall be entitled to charge andreceive the same fees as for levying upon and selling like property on execution; and for closingthe premises and keeping them closed a reasonable sum shall be allowed by the court.
Amended by Chapter 4, 1993 General Session