47-1-7. Bond to secure abatement -- Procedure. If the owner appears and pays all costs of the proceeding and files a bond, with sureties tobe approved by the clerk, in the full value of the property, to be ascertained by the court, or invacation by the clerk, auditor and treasurer of the county, conditioned that he will immediatelyabate the nuisance and prevent the same from being established or kept therein within a period ofone year thereafter, the court or the judge may, if satisfied of his good faith, order the premisesthat have been closed under the order of abatement to be delivered to the owner, and the order ofabatement may be canceled so far as the same may relate to said property; and, if the proceedingis an action in equity and such bond is given and costs therein paid before judgment and order ofabatement, the action shall be thereby abated as to the building only. The release of the propertyunder the provisions of this section shall not release it from any judgment, lien, penalty or liabilityto which it may be subject by law.
No Change Since 1953