47-2-4. Elimination by the county executive -- Notice of intention. (1) The county executive may provide for the elimination of abandoned horses in therespective counties in the following manner:
(a) The county executive shall cause notice to be:
(i) (A) published at least once a week for three successive weeks in a newspaper ofgeneral circulation published in the county; and
(B) in accordance with Section
45-1-101, published for three weeks;
(ii) posted in at least five public places outside of the county seat on public highways insuch county; and
(iii) posted in three public places at the county seat, one of which shall be at the frontdoor of the courthouse.
(b) The notices posted outside of the county seat shall be posted not less than two milesapart, and all posted notices shall be posted at least 30 days before the date which the countyexecutive shall fix for the beginning of the elimination of abandoned horses from the range insuch county as hereinafter provided.
(2) The notice shall be substantially in the following form:
Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of law the county executiveof ____ County, Utah, will proceed to eliminate abandoned horses from the open range in saidcounty, and that beginning on __________(monthdayyear), a drive will be held, and allabandoned horses running upon the open range will, under the direction and supervision of thecounty executive, be eliminated. All owners of horses running upon the open range are herebygiven notice to file with the county executive a description of the horses, and the brands or marksthereon.
Dated this __________(monthdayyear).
By order of the county executive of ____ County, Utah.
County Clerk.
Amended by Chapter 388, 2009 General Session