47-2-6. Owners may reclaim -- Damages -- Taxes. Any person owning any horses which are running at large in any county in which thecounty executive has given notice of intention to make a drive, as provided in this chapter, maywithin 30 days after the posting or the first publication of the notice mentioned in Section
47-2-4file with the county executive a description of such horses claimed by him, giving the marks andbrands, if any, which appear thereon, and, if the county executive shall take into its possessionany horses so claimed, it shall by registered letter addressed to the owner or claimant of suchhorses notify him that the same may be claimed within 10 days from the mailing of such notice;and such owner or claimant shall be permitted upon application to the county legislative body totake possession of such horses upon payment of the expense of caring for the same from the dateof capture. If any horses are killed by order of the county executive under the provisions of thischapter, a description of which has been reported by the owner thereof to the county legislativebody, and ownership of such animals can be satisfactorily established, such owner shall receiveas damage therefor a sum not exceeding $10 for each animal; provided, that he has paid all taxesassessed against said animal; provided further, that payment of such claims may be made onlyfrom proceeds of sales of captured horses.
Amended by Chapter 146, 1994 General Session