(9) "Foreign company" means a person organized as a:
(a) limited liability company under a law other than the laws of this state; or
(b) low-profit limited liability company under a law other than the laws of this state.
(10) "Interest in the company" means a member's economic rights in a companyincluding the right to receive:
(a) a distribution from the company; and
(b) a portion of the net assets of the company upon dissolution and winding up of thecompany.
(11) "Low-profit limited liability company" means a company meeting the requirementsof Section 48-2c-412.
(12) "Manager" means a person elected or otherwise designated by the members tomanage a manager-managed company pursuant to Part 8, Management.
(13) "Manager-managed company" means a company whose management is vested inmanagers pursuant to Part 8, Management.
(14) "Member" means a person with:
(a) an ownership interest in a company; and
(b) the rights and obligations specified under this chapter.
(15) "Member-managed company" means a company whose management is vested in itsmembers pursuant to Part 8, Management.
(16) (a) "Operating agreement" means a written agreement of the members:
(i) concerning the business or purpose of the company and the conduct of its affairs; and
(ii) which complies with Part 5, Operating Agreements.
(b) "Operating agreement" includes a written amendment agreed to by all members orother writing adopted in any other manner as may be provided in the operating agreement.
(17) "Person" means an individual or entity.
(18) "Proceeding" means an administrative, judicial or other trial, hearing, or otheraction, whether civil, criminal, or investigative, the result of which may be that a court, arbitrator,or governmental agency may enter a judgment, order, decree, or other determination which, if notappealed or reversed, would be binding upon any person subject to the jurisdiction of that court,arbitrator, or governmental agency.
(19) "Professional services" is as defined in Part 15, Professions.
(20) "Profits interest" means that portion of the company's profits to be allocated to anindividual member upon an allocation of profits.
(21) "Profits interests" or "interests in profits" with respect to a company means the totalinterests of all of the company's members in the company's profits.
(22) "Signed," "signs," or "signature" means:
(a) a manual signature or authorized facsimile of the signature; or
(b) an electronic signature approved by the division.
(23) "State" means:
(a) a state, territory, or possession of the United States;
(b) the District of Columbia; or
(c) the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(24) "Tribal limited liability company" means a limited liability company:
(a) formed under the law of a tribe; and
Amended by Chapter 141, 2009 General Session