48-2c-108. Reservation of name. (1) The exclusive right to register a name for use by a company may be reserved by anyperson.
(2) (a) The reservation described in Subsection (1) shall be made by filing with thedivision an application signed by the applicant.
(b) If the division finds that the name is available for use by a company, the division shallreserve the name exclusively for the applicant for a period of 120 days. The name reservationmay be renewed for any number of subsequent periods of 120 days.
(c) The reserved name may be transferred to any other person by filing with the division anotice of the transfer that:
(i) is signed by the applicant for whom the name was reserved; and
(ii) specifies the name and address of the transferee.
Amended by Chapter 193, 2002 General Session