48-2c-1502. Definitions. As used in this part:
(1) "Professional services company" means a limited liability company organized underthis part to render professional services.
(2) "Professional services" means the personal services rendered by:
(a) an architect holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 3a, Architects Licensing Act,and any subsequent laws regulating the practice of architecture;
(b) an attorney granted the authority to practice law by the:
(i) Supreme Court of Utah; or
(ii) the Supreme Court, other court, agency, instrumentality, or regulating board thatlicenses or regulates the authority to practice law in any state or territory of the United Statesother than Utah;
(c) a chiropractor holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 73, Chiropractic PhysicianPractice Act, and any subsequent laws regulating the practice of chiropractic;
(d) a doctor of dentistry holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 69, Dentist and DentalHygienist Practice Act, and any subsequent laws, regulating the practice of dentistry;
(e) a professional engineer registered under Title 58, Chapter 22, Professional Engineersand Professional Land Surveyors Licensing Act;
(f) a naturopath holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 71, Naturopathic PhysicianPractice Act, and any subsequent laws regulating the practice of naturopathy;
(g) a nurse licensed under Title 58, Chapter 31b, Nurse Practice Act, or Title 58, Chapter44a, Nurse Midwife Practice Act;
(h) an optometrist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 16a, Utah OptometryPractice Act, and any subsequent laws regulating the practice of optometry;
(i) an osteopathic physician or surgeon holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 68, UtahOsteopathic Medical Practice Act, and any subsequent laws regulating the practice of osteopathy;
(j) a pharmacist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 17b, Pharmacy Practice Act,and any subsequent laws regulating the practice of pharmacy;
(k) a physician, surgeon, or doctor of medicine holding a license under Title 58, Chapter67, Utah Medical Practice Act, and any subsequent laws regulating the practice of medicine;
(l) a physical therapist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 24b, Physical TherapyPractice Act, and any subsequent laws regulating the practice of physical therapy;
(m) a podiatric physician holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 5a, PodiatricPhysician Licensing Act, and any subsequent laws regulating the practice of podiatry;
(n) a psychologist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 61, Psychologist LicensingAct, and any subsequent laws regulating the practice of psychology;
(o) a public accountant holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 26a, Certified PublicAccountant Licensing Act, and any subsequent laws regulating the practice of public accounting;
(p) a principal broker, associate broker, or sales agent holding a license under Title 61,Chapter 2f, Real Estate Licensing and Practices Act, and any subsequent laws regulating the sale,exchange, purchase, rental, or leasing of real estate;
(q) a clinical or certified social worker holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 60, Part2, Social Worker Licensing Act, and any subsequent laws regulating the practice of social work;
(r) a mental health therapist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 60, Mental HealthProfessional Practice Act, and any subsequent laws regulating the practice of mental health
(s) a veterinarian holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 28, Veterinary Practice Act,and any subsequent laws regulating the practice of veterinary medicine; or
(t) an individual licensed, certified, or registered under Title 61, Chapter 2b, Real EstateAppraiser Licensing and Certification Act, and any subsequent laws regulating the practice ofappraising real estate.
(3) "Regulating board" means the board or agency organized pursuant to state law that ischarged with the licensing and regulation of the practice of the profession that a company isorganized to render.
Amended by Chapter 379, 2010 General Session