48-2c-1902. Transitional provisions. (1) Each limited liability company formed prior to July 1, 2001, under the laws of thisstate, and existing on July 1, 2001:
(a) shall continue in existence with all rights and privileges applicable to limited liabilitycompanies formed under this chapter;
(b) need not amend its articles of organization to include the address of its designatedoffice if it includes the information in its first annual report filed with the division after July 1,2001, and in all subsequent annual reports; and
(c) that provides professional services as defined in Part 15 of this chapter, need notamend its articles of organization to comply with Section
48-2c-1509 if it includes theinformation in its first annual report filed with the division after July 1, 2001, and in allsubsequent annual reports.
(2) All domestic companies formed prior to July 1, 2001, under the laws this state, aswell as their managers, members, and assignees of members, as applicable, shall have all therights and privileges and shall be subject to all the requirements, restrictions, duties, liabilities,and remedies prescribed in this chapter.
(3) Each foreign limited liability company authorized to transact business in this state asof July 1, 2001, is subject to the provisions of this chapter, but is not required by reason ofenactment of this chapter to obtain a new certificate of authority to transact business in this state.
Enacted by Chapter 260, 2001 General Session